Press release

Roots Original gets acquired by Dutch PPE distributor

Hoogvliet-Rotterdam (NL) — 10 december 2021

The inventors behind Roots Original known for its cutting edge flame retardant and arc flash protective workwear trusted by professionals worldwide, Trital Safety B.V., today announced it has completed its acquisition by All Safety Holding B.V..

Today marks the beginning of an exciting new chapter for Roots Original, one where it will be able to accelerate its mission to prevent accidents and injuries during work on exposure to the thermal hazards of an electric arc, heat, flames, cold, and electrostatic properties. This acquisition will be a massive step forward in staying ahead of the game.

Trital Safety is a PPE distributor in the Netherlands and market leader in flame retardant and arc flash protective workwear. Whereas All Safety is a PPE distributor in the Netherlands specialising in breathing equipment, maintenance and rental. All Safety became part of The Cemex Trescon group in 2020. The group has an approximate turnover of 135 million Euros (2021).

Both directors (Paul de Schrijver of All Safety Supply B.V. & Theo de Vliegh of Trital Safety B.V.) have committed themselves to remain employed within the All Safety group for the next 5 years.

For all 70 employees nothing will change. They will continue to handle the day-to-day handling of questions, orders and deliveries with the same passion and enthusiasm. All Safety has committed to remain in the current Trital Safety offices and European fulfillment centre in Hoogvliet-Rotterdam.

For you as a foreign based customer of Roots Original nothing will change. The ROOTS brand remains and will not change. We will continue to advise, support and supply you with the best flame retardant and arc flash protective workwear in the market.

“We believe that the synarchy benefits for both companies will be substantial, which will result in a wider range of services and product innovation, on the level that you are familiar with”, says Theo de Vliegh.


Interview acquistion

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